There and back again

By Mikes

Afternoon sun

The afternoon was definitely the best part of the day, very mellow. There was much mooing and bellowing as the resident herd went off on mass down to their water trough with the bull keeping close company with one of the cows.
Our walks always seem to take longer when the weathers like this.

I am still enjoying the new camera and still becoming aware of the small differences between them, like there is a mark on the body that shows the position of the image sensor within the camera. Useful if you are into macro work and are measuring the exact distance from the object being photographed, to the sensor.

The sensor itself is larger than the Olympus one so it give me a larger image size to work with and there 24.2 mega pixels as opposed to 12 mega pixels on the Olympus. I have also noticed less noise on some of the pictures I've enlarged

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