There and back again

By Mikes

The cold light of dawn

Had to get up early this morning, we had a builder coming, so I arrived at Lamberts as the sun was startling to rise.

I am still using my new camera and finding out the differences between the two.
Their basic components are remarkably similar. Both about the same size and weight. Both come with two kit lenses which have similar focal lengths and both feel to fit to the hand nicely.

The Olympus has anti vibration built in whilst the in the Nikon it is built into the individual lens and the two that came it have not got it. The Olympus has a rear screen that can be tilted and the Nikon has not. On the other hand it does have a larger rear screen which is clearer and also the view finder shows a brighter image and a larger field of view.

However the biggest difference I have found is that metering on the Nikon is far superior than the Olympus especially when taking readings against the light, like my blip taken on the 7th. This is an image straight from the camera with no work done to it. If I had taken this with my Olympus it would have read from the light parts of the image and the foreground would have been in darkness. I could have rectified this somewhat with Photoshop but not to the same range. Likewise todays blip ia again taken straight from the camera.

So so far the Nikon is preforming slightly better but I am not sure that it feels as robust as the Olympus but only time will tell on that one. But at the moment I am coming down on the side of the Nikon.

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