Fog over the Long Bridge

With a lovely sunny day forecast for Wednesday, I'm sure I could have got a decent Blip then, but seeing a misty fog enveloping at about 11 p.m. this evening, I went out for a couple of hours, shooting using the tripod.

I was never at a loss for a subject, the newly bare trees providing a wondrous backdrop. I love these conditions and see shapes and patterns everywhere. We've had a few sunny days recently but I've only had one foggy blip so far this autumn/winter so this, taken toward the end of my session tonight, is my blip.

Some parts look better in LARGE

I had to prop the tripod leaning over the wooden rail and literally jammed it against the upright and had to hold it there, as still as I could, so I didn't induce shake, during the 30 secs exposure time. This got tiring, quickly and was glad when I eventually, got a reasonable one. I must have tried about 8 from this position!

Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm

Quite a lot of selective contrast etc in the processing, to try and emphasise the shadows but still retain detail and give the fog some emphasis.

Thanks to all, whose stars, favourites and comments got my Star Trails at Pepperbox Hill of yesterday right up to the no 2 slot in the Spotlights

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