Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Gnome On Ice

The days continue cold and clear. Blue skies and sunshine, but the ice on the Cheese Vat thickens. Mr. Contraptioneer continues to break pieces out, and lay them around the yard and on the porch. The sun glistening on them, but never intense enough or long enough to melt them. Highly unusual for Coos Bay.

The Christmas season, less daunting now, as I've taken little bits and acted on what was on my mind and heart, reducing the "shoulds", by volume slightly, and letting go of the "there's no way I can do that" 's. The day was more relaxing, and even ended with a much needed soak in a friend's hot tub, to try to reduce the irritation in my right arm and shoulder. I pulled a tendon or muscle (not sure which) this Summer, and instead of increasingly getting better, the other muscles all the way up to my head are trying to get into the act again. An issue I've conquered before, but not without a great deal of patience and persistence and therapy.

Edit: I am so bummed! Last night I chose the wrong date, so when I tried to enter the blip for the 10th, this one was already there. Wanting to be accurate, I deleted the blip and moved it, but, of course, lost my beautiful comments and 15 stars :-( Well, thank you anyway!

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