Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB

Through the Bull's Eye Window

I expect you're getting fed up with all my photos of frost? Anyway only 2 days to go until the fancy dress costume appears…lol. Although I am getting nervous about it now, as most of the people I talk to haven't bothered to get some fancy dress together…it would be a disaster for my moral to go to my ex-works do in fancy dress to find they have all got their party frocks on…it's been fun getting the costume together, but it may not get an outing!

This bull's eye window is situated in my (absent) Parisian neighbour's garden behind our house. I have a free reign of their garden but it was rather smashed up during the storm in July and so no longer appears quite as photogenic as before. The trees that were damaged have been pruned by chainsaws within an inch of their lives, I expect will have to wait until next year for anything resembling what was once a beautiful garden there.

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