Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB

A good day!

Well today is an excellent day. The man from the council has just been to discuss repairing the road outside the entrance to our drive as the entrance has been breached allowing rain to run down our drive (and in the case of heavy storms it comes into the house too). It has meant the exterior of the property looked not up to scratch and he has said it will be done within a month (I had written to the council a few weeks ago)

Here is a photo of our local railway station area. There's an SNCF strike today so less traffic than normal! There was frost on the tracks!!
We had a lovely day out at the coast yesterday and found some interesting places to photograph, you can see some of them here, if you get the chance

Oh yes, and I mustn't forget to thank you for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's blip which hit the spotlight this morning!

I do hope your Thursday is as good as mine!!

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