Oh - thats how santa gets around
As I have not been well this past week, i've been trying to get a photo of something inside my home.
I found this happy chap within the endless piles of christmas decorations. I noticed him because of a large soft shadow caused by a lamp in the corner if the room. I decided to take a photo with this large shadow in the background. I amplified the light by using a small flash unit with a remote trigger at an angle of about 30 degrees. On my camera, I used the settings of f 5.6, shutter speed of 160 fps and an ISO of 200.
After the initial shot, I edited it using Gimp. I adjusted the levels and curves, spot healed blemishes on the wall and durt on my lens, cropped the image and finally dodged areas of light reflection.
Overall I love this pic as its nice and festive, in good detail and focus. It also makes me feel very jolly. If only I wasnt ill.
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