Wednesday: Three

Just over three years ago, I was idly browsing the internet during a busy nightshift.  I stumbled on someone's Twitter account who described themselves as an avid photographer who posted on Blipfoto.  What is this website, I asked myself?  And as soon as I stumbled across it, I knew I wanted to give it a go - I had tried a daily photo before but had lacked the discipline as I was just doing it for myself.

Three years later and not a day missed.  In that time, I have moved countries, had the courage to send a couple of photos to magazines (who printed them) and have made some amazing blip friendships, some of which I have been able to pursue in person.

Mind you, if I had known back when I started how stressful anniversary blips were, I might have started at an easier time of year.  I spent ages at lunchtime looking for a three motif!

See you all tomorrow.

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