
By ApeMcDoug10

Another day inside?

Again, the temps didn't get above freezing so that meant another day stuck inside. I think being stuck in the house is starting to cause a little cabin fever in both of us. To cure it some, Doug voyaged outside to find this decent sized icicle hanging off the house...

Toward the end of the night, cabin fever was really starting to sink in. We had to leave! We walked around our neighborhood and across the street to the school; talk about creepy. We live in the middle of the city, yet it was absolutely calm and quite outside, comparable to the country! In the middle of the city?!

We pushed each other around on the untouched thick glaze of ice that covered the teacher's parking lot at the school; we considered it Texan ice skating. After Doug hurt his elbow falling down, we figured it's time to head back to the house and stir our cabin fever a little more.

Stay warm!


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