Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Oh no, not another one!

Well it looks like it's going to be a good day. Mrs DB has told me there's not enough milk for my daily porridge, so I've got toast. Yum yum.

Then opened the curtains and was confronted with a red garden, sky, outbuildings; everything. Grabbed a camera and coat and charged off down to the ponds to get a fresh view over to the east. Took about 40 shots and honestly, any of them would make a Blip. Finally chose this one because of the bullrushes. Did miss one super shot when a pair of mallards exploded out of the reeds in front of me and over my head. I'll be ready next time! Maybe.

Look at it in large and you can see another flock of startled ducks, maybe mallards, disappearing over the hill into the sun.

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