A difficult choice

I had two pictures that I really liked today. One of Beat on top of a hill with the grey mist in the background. He looked so beautiful. And then this one of Beat with legs all over the place and a silly grin on his face. It was a difficult choice, but I ended up chooseing this as it makes me smile and it shows his personality – happy, silly Beat. Sometimes life is tough for him and the world is a scary place, but this is the Beat I see the most and the Beat that makes me laugh and feel really happy.

The residents’ families are coming for a Christmas thing tonight in the home that I am the head of, so I am working afternoon/evening shift today. This meant that I could walk dogs in daylight. It was fabulous and I do now have 3 happy, tired dogs around me :).

A grey day.

Off to work now.
See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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