Look who is off leash!

Look! Hero is not on leash! He had to be kept on leash for a while after his ‘argument’ with the cattle grid, but today he was allowed to run and luckily he looked just fine.

It has – as you can see – been another misty day, but I am not complaining. It has been dry and it has not been cold. I am happy!
This is Beat and Hero… they thought the water had the perfect temperature for some doggie fun. Brrrrrrrrrrr…. Mad boys!

I took the boys for an extra-long walk after work. They needed it after 2 very late days at work and I did too.

I have finally reached a decision on the stuff that has been on my mind, so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight! I feel that my decisions are the right ones.

Santa and his wife.

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. WOW! Spotlight, lots of hearts and stars yesterday! THANK YOU!

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