Magical Mystery Tour ......

........ Day One .....

Didn't think I would be posting a Christmas Tree in my journal quite this early but this one's a cracker (cracker!!! hahahaha) .... and you get two for the price of one with the reflection in the building.

Made it here safely with a 45 minute ride on a local bus from the airport into the city .... don't speak the language but all went well.

Hotel is great (a little old fashioned (in a good way) but extremely comfortable and very "local") ..... walked round the Christmas Market, drank a couple of beers, ate some local food and now back in the room (and can see this tree from the bedroom window) listening to Christmas music wafting over the square from the public ice rink!!

Tomorrow is exploring .........

Again not much of a clue but it is a pretty photo I think you must agree.

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