
By NickyH

#711 - Nice pear...

Couldn't resist the pun...

Ok, so desperation has well and truly kicked in. I started blipping the baubles a bit too soon, and I'm trying not to do too many fairy light bokeh shots (or at least ration them out a bit). So this evening's offer is....

...a pair of pears. I'm all out of any other ideas. So here you have it.

Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow.

Thank you for continuing to take the time to look and comment on my blips. I promise I will return the favour as soon as I can. Yesterday aside, I'm just snowed under with everything - work is manic (a jewellery shop at Christmas - need I say more), we're having new flooring and new doors fitted at home, H has homework and reading to do and there's the endless task of Christmas shopping, wrapping, cards etc. I'm drowning under it all a little bit to be honest. So please forgive my horrendous lack of commenting and replies, lovely blippers xx

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