Holly Thief

I've been slack on my blip this week for some reason, and forgot my proper camera again when Mum and I went holly rustling in the woods. I had the day off, so we decided to go and find sprigs for the Christmas wreaths. There was plenty of holly, but the birds had eaten almost all the berries, so we spent ages wandering round finding some likely trees. The woods were so calm and peaceful, we didn't see a single person, or dog, the whole time we were there.

We spent the rest of the day doing some shopping in town before checking out the new Mexican restaurant. We then fought our way through the silver-haired crowd to our seats in the packed Odeon for the live screening of The Nutcracker from The Royal Ballet. It was shown in 29 countries worldwide, and it was fun reading the tweets from around the world that they put up during the interval. The performance was pretty incredible. The dancers are baffling in their strength and agility.

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