Exit stage left

By NessD


The car saga continues. It's almost reached Icelandic sagas but not yet the epic heights of SooB's car sagas. Mind you, I've almost ignored K's car saga which is running concurrently.

Less logistics for me today as K was working from home today to be there when the scrap guy, his official title, came to collect our 2 dead cars. I'm glad to report that the emergency braking on the new car is stunning. I'd rather not have had to test that out on day 1 but I guess I know now. The second when I wasn't sure if they were going to be that brilliant seemed to last forever. As did the following second or two when I realised that the car behind me had less good brakes but luckily with a bit of swerving he stopped just in time. Phew.

All good until the phone call at 2:30 to tell me my rear tyre looked like if needed some air. Understatement. There are advantages to working on an industrial bases with its own fleet of buses. Even more so when the first guy you find is an ex-patient. I left with a fully inflated tyre, checked for obvious nails but strict instructions to go straight to the garage that did the pre sale checks and "give them hell". I didn't of course. I'm much more timid than I appear. It seemed to work though. Their service guys had already gone home so I was sent to the local tyre place with instructions to bill them for any problems.

They couldn't find a problem with the tyre, try as they most definitely did. So change of valve, re-inflated to equal at the rear and they'll check again after I've done the work trip tomorrow.

I was planning a quiet night at home prepping some stuff for a meeting tomorrow afternoon. Instead we ended up at some drinks for the opening of a vintage shop. Champagne cocktails and theatre chat. Just what I needed. And then a curry and beer.

Fab night. I'll deal with the rest tomorrow.


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