Morning Epiphany

It was  one of those mornings when the alarm goes off just as I was reaching the epiphany of my dream. The previous day's accumulation of random observations reassembled into a message from the cosmos. I was at the brink of understanding and appreciating my place in life. All of my lifelong decisions had resulted in exactly what I had wanted in the first place, but the distraction of pop cultural capitalist pressure diverted my belief in myself, causing me to scrutinize my viability and worth  to society. Typical for a stay at home mom. Or rather, a mom who works at home.

So far, there are multitudes of value I can extrapolate from my life journey. The brief synopsis: I put myself through 6 years of a rigorous academic career, worked full time for seven years, met and married the love of my life (coming up on 18 years!), traveled a good portion of this globe, and the epitome was becoming a mother to two of the most amazing people I will ever know.

In my dream, I knew that being a stay at home mom had meant a  sacrifice of certain professional success and opportunity, not to mention income. It is challenging to explain to potential employers why my credentials are an asset to their work place. But the dream revealed that I can't be pigeon holed into one category.  I have an amazing skill set honed by the blades of sharp life lessons restricted not by a single occupational vision but an internal passion to love,  nurture, and direct (within my capabilities) the human condition. I am an experienced objective listener who expects passionate thoughtful discourse. I am resourceful, creative, and driven in my many intellectual pursuits.  My domestic engineering, volunteering, and diverse part time  jobs are an accomplishment sadly my culture undervalues, but my family highly appreciates (most days). In my dream, I was the epiphany. I was telling the next generation not to look down on me just because I wasn't the next Frank Lloyd Wright. Yet. There is still so much I want to do and I will continue forth, but this morning I really wanted to sleep in. 

And as I reached over to stop the alarm I felt my sweetheart stir. I told him I wished I could continue sleeping as I was dreaming An Epiphany. He wrapped his arm around me and said,"Go ahead. Keep dreaming. Just tell me what to pack in the kids' lunches today."

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