Fun with Ozzles (but NO sex?!)

I have had such a fun time with Ozzy, my very gorgeous, handsome, golden retriever boyfriend.

Look at all these photos of the fun we have had today!

................A play on the beach this morning, then we had some ‘alone time’, (while Ann went to work for a couple of hours), then we had more than an hour’s play on the dunes at Gwithian this afternoon.

Ozzy was only here for a sleepover so I knew I only had a short time to impress him.

Things last night were going well......................... really well. We shared a romantic dinner together. I didn’t do my normal ‘possessive food thing’, nor did I give him the ‘evils’ when he was eating. Ann was able to put both our meals down together and we ate in unison like an old married couple??!!

Ann went out for the evening so we spent some ‘alone together’ time for a few hours. We both snoozed in our respective beds. I was hoping that Ozzy would come over to my bed................ But he didn’t??!! He just fell asleep and snored really loudly.

Anyway, Ann came home(She’d been to Angarrack to see the fabulous Xmas lights & have a meal.................. and no wine had been consumed because she was driving).

When she got home she said, ‘Molly & Ozz lets go for your bedtime wee now before I take my coat off’.

Well, things went a bit downhill from then..................................

We went out for our wee (& Ozz also had a poo) OK that’s probably too much information and then I started going a bit mad. Well, I know that once I’ve had my bedtime wee I get a dental stick and get groomed and then it’s bedtime.

..................But do you know what? Ann took two dental sticks out of the box and she gave Ozzy one first?! That made me really, really mad. I was trying to get to Ozzy and steal it back............. but he was gobbling it up really quickly.................. and Ann was holding me by my collar so I couldn’t get to him even if I wanted to.

Ann said, ‘Molly, for goodness sake, please can you just turn into a normal dog. You know you get a dental stick every night, you know I love you, you know you need to get groomed, please stop giving Ozzles the evils.’

Ozzy is the bestest boyfriend ever!

He just gobbled up his dental stick, in his bed, and then went back to sleep. He didn’t care that I was giving him the evils. He didn’t seem to care that he’d only had one dental stick well he is a lot bigger than me so if he’d wanted to he could have stolen mine?!.

Ozzles I love you!!! Thank you for accepting me as the gorgeous little collie that I am, along with all my insecurities.

It’s almost ‘wine o’clock’ for Ann so let’s just toast, ‘new beginnings for us’.

Onwards & upwards.

Ozzles - we’ve had a fabulous day together. Let’s repeat it again soon!!! .................And I promise I’ll try not to go mad if you get treats before me again??!!


PS – I’m really not meaning to sound like a ‘possessive, controlling little collie dog’..................... And I really don’t want to end up on the ‘Jeremy Kyle show’, though a few minutes of fame might be nice?

PPS – I am going to try my hardest to be the bestest little collie dog girlfriend in the whole widest world.

Ozzles - please forgive me - you can have first dental stick the next time we have a sleepover together??!! xx

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