South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


I spent ages this afternoon setting this up at church - we don't have a stable, so I decided a flashy background with some words on would be okay! The wide angle lens on my camera has made it look as if the figures are partly outside the background, but they aren't :-) I had to sellotape circles of paper onto the cork board and then blu-tac the figures on to it as they had cardboard bases and I didn't want to tear them (and blu-tac would NOT stick to the cork!) By the way, I didn't knit the nativity - a clever lady called Kath did!

Only just got around to doing this - news sheet plus setting this up took most of the afternoon, then I had a quick bath before tea so that I could watch Strictly straight after - what a great show! Really can't decide which of the ladies I want to win the final next week. Cramming this blip in before starting to watch X Factor (recorded). Why do they have to put so much on on Saturday evenings - Atlantis as well! ;-)

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