
By BrownBuddy1

What Fun We Had

When we left for the beach I certainly didn't expect such a glorious morning. As we got out of the car the sun came out and the sky turned this glorious colour. By chance a friend and her dog was also arriving to go for a walk, so that was the icing on the cake. I have cakes on the brain at the moment!.

Sunday morning at Rosemarkie always is a sociable time for the dogs. It didn't disappoint this morning, we met collies, labs, springers and more cockers, all up for a game as they hadn't had enough exercise yesterday owing to the dreich weather. So great fun was had by all, at one point there were 7 dogs all hutling up and down the beach. My friend's dog Selkie is as ball obsessed as Bud so the pair of them spent ages in and out of the sea chasing the ball, regardless of the bitter wind and icy water.

Thankgoodness we did go out early as the weather reverted this afternoon and bucketed down.

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