Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


A morning of sorting out holiday clothes. All the things I bought in a stressed hurry yesterday are to be returned tomorrow.

I think there is a lesson there…

JR has been sorting out matching ‘outfits’ - or at least, tops that go with bottoms. I don't have such problems ('matching outfits' - what’s that?). I keep reminding her it’s a safari, and looking like a fashion model is not a requirement. She has declared that she knows it’s a safari - she’s not taking her earrings, necklaces OR her rings! Or indeed, her best holiday clothes.

The pharmacy bag is the biggest ever, for every eventuality - but better be safe than sorry. The doctor the other day, just in passing, mentioned rabies. In fact, we should really have a rabies injection to go to Europe.

I must not pat any stray dogs or cats.
I must not pat any stray dogs or cats.

I will write this a hundred times before I go.

Packing seemed to take up most of the day, then we popped out to visit young Leo and deliver a package that Santa left at our house. We didn’t bother wrapping the reindeer (which is not Rudolf, funnily enough), so he was allowed to cuddle that, along with the dog, the cat and the rabbit - favourite toys du jour.

Actually, he’s not well, poor wee lad. I know he’s really not well when he didn’t want a chocolate biscuit, and after the initial excitement of our visit, he just sat on the sofa, coughing and looking miserable. I do hope it’s nothing much - you just never know with kids, really.

Back home, fire on. The last Borgen to watch (DON'T TELL ME!) and is it the last Homeland? I see on Wikipedia (so it must be true) that they’ve renewed it for a fourth season.

Just need to worry all week about the weather at Glasgow Airport on Friday...

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