In town twice today - a record
Popped up to the doctor’s this morning for a blood test to see what, if anything, the humungous pink pills did for me. Nothing lasting, I fear...
I said to the nurse, ‘Guess where I’m going on Friday.’
‘How did you guess?’
‘I’ve been reading your notes.’
Panicking a wee bit Just wondering why we haven’t heard from the Safari Company. The Travel Agents assured me three weeks ago that they’d be in touch before we leave. Been checking the website. We’re told to bring a towel, a torch, toilet paper…
OK, I lied about the toilet paper, but it sounds a wee bit like camping. The Travel Agent says she always goes on holiday with a travel towel. Very handy. So I popped into an outdoor shop and got a couple. I can wrap my camera in it if we find we have big fluffy white towels and bathrobes…
Still searching for important things like SD cards, sunglasses, earbuds for my iPod, back scratcher…
When JR came home we went into town - me for a night time blip, and JR to return the unwanted items of clothing. JR drew the short straw - I was very glad to have finding a blip as my excuse for not venturing into those places again. Ever.
This is looking down on the Santa train, which just goes round and round. Might have a tad been more interesting if it was weaving in and out of the sparkly trees. It looks infinity better in the dark than it does in daytime!
Had a meal at our favourite Thai restaurant and we were lucky enough to get a bus home right away, as it was bloomin’ cold by then.
Looks like a Big Wind coming to the west, and -I'm reading between the lines - Glasgow Airport in particular, on Friday... I shouldn’t look at the weather forecasts. It’s a bit like looking at a TV operation, full of horror, through my fingers, trying to look, but not wanting to see ...
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