Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Bourbon Gums

Eventful day today as it was the works Christmas party. Nothing much happened in the morning as everyone was just waiting till 2pm for the curry. Kushies had been brought in and very good it was too.
A couple of bottles of beer to wash it down with. We received some love to shop vouchers as well from the company.
After a bit it was time to move on into Dunfermline for a few more beers. IB was on a mission. Had a couple in the new De Brus bar. A local cafe is brewing its own beer and has opened up a bar to sell it. Quite nice but a bit too citrus for me.
We then met a couple of others wondering around town before heading to another bar. Decided it was time to get home as there was a 19.15 train. Managed to get a cab to the station and was home for 8pm.
Made the pudding for tomorrow night and finished off the Bourbon gums before settling down to watch some TV with J.
Nice night.

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