Under careful observation...

Here's why. Yesterday afternoon Me and Mr Dog and Mr K went to visit someone (who for diplomatic reasons will remain nameless) for coffee and cake. We had some Christmas stollen. Anyway to cut a long story short, when Mr K's back was turned and I supposedly wasn't paying attention, our hostess cut her piece in half and quick as a flash threw half of it on the floor for the waiting Alfred who gobbled it up. I pretended not to see (again, for diplomatic reasons) but then remembered that stollen has some raisins in it and raisins are poisonous for dogs. We left shortly afterwards and called the vet who said that the two or three that may have been in his half slice would not be enough to poison him, but to keep him under observation in case he shows any symptoms over the next few hours - such as vomiting, diarrhoea, trouble going to the toilet, or shivering, in which case we should bring him in. We had an uneasy night, but I'm very happy to report that all is well with our precious Alfred Dog! As of now - I am no longer being diplomatic when it comes to the unsanctioned feeding of our precious dog - by anybody!!

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