
By pattons6

Please go back to work mummy!

I am so tired. Mummy and daddy have run ragged today. We had a leisurely breakfast, thrn down to Grandmas I was waving at the window and shouting but she wasn't in. I stilled had a quick play in my tent. then off to the Mothercare outlet for vests, sleepy suits, trousers, trainers for my childminders, tops and t shirts.

Then it's was time for lunch. I sat and had a feast with daddy while mummy did the big shop. Daddy and I joined her half way round the shop though, as I missed her. I kept trying to put things in the trolley but mummy kept taking them out. She is no fun.

Once my brother And sister were home we got the decorations down from the loft....there are so any new toys it's amazing!!!!!

It's now bed time, where has the day gone? Time for fairy play time. Tomorrow I am at my childminders while mummy goes Card shopping, someone has hidden all the ones she bought, might have been me but can't tell tales.

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