feet well travelled

By feettravelled


A lovely morning of catching up with friends.... My housemate from last year was over from Northern Ireland visiting and we had a good laugh! Then u popped over to Nicole's place for lunch and a natter!! She's a legend. A total babe. And doesn't she look funky with her Afro hair out?! Love it!!

Then home to get ready for the work Christmas meal out. It was lovely to be taken for dinner and socialise with my work friends who I only really see at work.
The food was great and it was a lovely laughing evening... For a few hours I forgot the challenges of life right now!

I made a silly mistake tho with getting home and was annoyed that I hadn't checked what time the last bus was...rookie error ASD!. So had to buy a metro ticket and wait like 30 minutes for that then walk about 30 minutes home. Lets just say, I won't forget to check the bus timetable in a hurry!! It was a late night!!!
I got into bed cold, sneezy, tired and feeling lonely. Why do I get that feeling when j least expect it!?

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