A Rainy Night in London

It was back to the early train this morning for me (Chris). Not sure why but although it was the same time as the train I was catching last week, it was a hell of a lot busier (and I can't believe it's Christmas shoppers, do they get a train at 6.30am?). It was a properly busy day so no time for daylight photos, at some stage I'll get a chance!

By the time I left around 6pm the rain was falling so I looked for a photo opportunity that wasn't facing in the direction of the downpour. Fortunately facing Tower Bridge from London Bridge was OK and I used the fact there is a ledge below the handrail on the bridge to balance the camera. Perfect.

For me (Annie) a late evening working in Bristol. I'd had something to do today I'd been dreading for a while but it turned out OK after all. A very blowy drive home!

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