Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Weather front

A very mixed bag of weather today, lots of wind and rain again making everywhere very muddy! It was quite nice though walking on the marsh first thing, lots of interesting clouds around and I liked this weather front. Lots of geese around too. Just as I was getting near the car got battered by hailstones.

Collected Sasha from the cattery and she wasn't too bad there and did settle after a while. The owner's little boy thought she was a kitten as she's quite tiny! Will have to take her to vet after Christmas to get her checked out as she has lost a bit of weight and some fur! She's happy as larry now washing herself in front of the fire.
Ooh and on the way home with Sasha, visibility was quite good and there's snow on Skiddaw!! I'm near there in the morning...

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