
By Bimjim4


Spent five hours in the Macular Clinic of Queens Medical Centre today, so a bit short of photo opportunities. The desiccated Hydrangea heads that fringe our driveway are quite attractive still, so here is one featured.

On the bright side started a course of injections into my right eye, and all my apprehensions (nearly) confounded.

Number one son James in Japan, ever the joker, advised me yesterday that I would soon be able to answer the vexed question " Which would you prefer...a needle in your eye or a catheter passed up into your bladder?"
Now that I have experienced both - not today in the Ophthalmic Clinic I hasten to add!! - I can definitely state that the needle in the eye wins every time.

So to totally reassure anyone else out there possibly facing this prospect let me tell you that the eye is well numbed with anaesthetic and I felt nothing other than some momentary pressure.
The after effects are a little bizarre - with large black floaters in the vision caused by bubbles from the stuff the doctor injected, but that should wear off soon I was told.

Which brings me to life scripts.
I guess we have a choice between "Unbounded Optimism", "Pervasive Pessimism"... and thirdly there is "Resigned and Tolerant Fatalism".

I think by today's experience I have moved into the latter having wasted a spell in the second, and unnecessarily expending some psychic energy fearing the worst.

As the song goes "things never are as bad as they seem - so dream, dream, dream".
Having a loving, supportive wife has helped enormously.
So as I proceed into a programme of monthly eye injections I intend to be a (slightly optimistic) resigned fatalist!

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