Ladybird plaque

After son J left after his October visit, I went in to his bedroom and saw a strange mark on the wall above the balcony door. At first I thought it was mould and was highly embarrassed but on getting up close, found it to be a large "herd" of ladybirds. There are lots of beliefs and myths surrounding Ladybirds or bugs but I think all are positive and many connected with good luck. For me it was very special good luck having him and his nephew, niece, sister and brother-in-law here. So as a memory of their visit, the ladybirds can stay as long as they like.

As one can see, the snow is still lingering in parts but it has started raining now, all paved areas where we have driven or walked on, are now pure ice rinks - very dangerous and a good reason to stay indoors today.

Have a great weekend and at least better than our forecast sleet/rain/snow/wind.

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