
By Houseonahill6

It was Only a Winters Tale

I went to Avoch while Mike and Richard had their haircut. While I was taking pictures of the ducks by the bridge a lady came over and started chatting. She pointed out a boat in the distance telling me it was full of Avoch Fisherman bringing the boat in to Inverness harbour for the Winter. She told me that there were two channels into Inverness but only the locals or those in the know use the one this side. She told me that all the fishing boats used to dock in the Avoch harbour but the boats are much bigger now and the harbour too shallow.

You can see the boat here heading into the sunlight. She tooted as she past the harbour and the Fishermans cottages.
She is the MV Nereus INS 172 A 19 metre 'frozen at sea' prawn vessel. The plant can freeze down 1.3 tonnes of prawns to -27 degrees in 4 hours and can hold 9 tonnes in the freezer.
The Skipper is Terry Jack probably a relative to one of the many Jacks from Avoch who have been fishing the waters for many years. Another popular surname being Patience.

Some of the prawns may be used in the Feast of seven fishes which is celebrated, mainly by Italians, on Christmas Eve. In the past Catholics would fast on Christmas Eve not eating any meat or milk products. Fish was allowed . The celebration commemorates the wait for the birth of Jesus at midnight.

Todays Yule Lad is Sausage swipper. He loves sausages and will pinch them when ever he can.

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