
By Houseonahill6

In the Bleak Mid Winter, frosty winds made moan

I'm sitting in the warm watching the snow hit the window, The day has felt very short no sooner has the sun risen than it seems to be setting again. A couple of days till the shortest day.

Here is my wicker basket that I bought from Skye in October all made with 'buff and local willow, all natural colours, Handmade in Sallachy'. It is filled with spicy scented cones. I wonder if it is similar to the basket used by Cailleach or Beira, the Queen of Winter. It is said that she created many mountains and large hills which were formed as she strode across the country side dropping rocks that she carried in her wicker basket. Others say that she formed the mountains to use as stepping stones.
She is responsible for bringing cold, snow and treacherous weather before turning to stone in the Spring. She is seen as an old hag with one eye, matted hair and bad teeth. She is protector of wild animals especially the deer and the wolf.
On the west coast of Scotland she ushers in the beginning of Winter by washing her great plaid in the whirlpool called Coire Bhreacain. It takes three days to wash causing many waves and when clean to a bright white and snow covers the ground.

Todays Yule lad is Skyr Gobbler who loves the Icelandic dairy product called Skyr which is like yogurt . He will sneak into the house and eat all the Skyr from the Skyr pot.

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