Hmmm.. should I take a picture of that cow?

This reminds me of myself very often deciding whether to take a picture of something or not. I used to take a picture of whatever I fancied before, but I ended up with so many to get through, that now I'm trying to be a bit more selective! :)

Fairly busy at work and the weather was rubbish! I was supposed to do an early shift but I swapped with one of my colleagues because I needed the time this morning to collect a prescription from my GP and then go to the chemist. As a result I have a shorter evening to do stuff. Oh well, never mind..

It was rainy with strong wind gusts on my way back home. I had the stupid idea of opening the umbrella I just bought a couple of days ago. Yes, you've probably guessed what happened... Grrrrr!!!

Anyway... got home to a post office note telling me I have a parcel to collect. I haven't ordered anything and I'm not expecting anything, so I wonder what it is... hmmm... a surprise?

Early to bed tonight as I'm on an early shift tomorrow. Yes, working this Saturday... not a happy bunny :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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