Heading to the Royal Smile Time Machine

This woman was heading to this old police box turned into the "Royal Smile Time Machine" this morning.. :) (you can read it better if you look at the large version of the picture)

Early in the morning it was reallly dark... big grey clouds in the sky... and it was raining... The weather has been horrible all day, cold, windy, wet and dark..

It was a strange day as well, because halfway through the morning I had to go to a doctors' appointment and then back to work. Work was busy today. I guess people wanted to do things indoors, which is what I would have done anyway!

Yesterday I made a raspberry mousse cake and a big sponge cake, which this evening I have to shape like Mickey Mouse. Wish me luck! Not much time for anything else. I spent a long time deciding which picture to blip this evening, but I don't have much more time to think, so this one will do!

Allegedly, the world is coming to an end tomorrow. No time to get to Mount Doom to get rescued by aliens, so I guess I'll go with everybody else. It's been nice to meet you! Love you all :) xx

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts on my ghost dock blip. I made spotlight as well! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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