
By scharwenka

Pheasant Lunch 2013

Each year, Violamaths and I try to continue a tradition of having a Christmas Lunch together, of which the central course is a brace of pheasants oven -roasted.

Last year we had our "Pheasant Lunch" on Tuesday 18 December, so almost exactly a year ago. My BlipFoto entry for that day, together with the links provided there, explains the tradition in more detail.

This year we had smoked salmon and bresaola as starters (bresaola a newcomer, but requested by Violamaths to become a fixed part of the tradition), the pheasants, and Christmas Pudding with much cognac and cream.

Here you see the elegant table layout at the ViolaMaths residence before we started the eating and somewhat upset the elegance.

But it was an excellent meal to mark the start of Christmas itself!

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