Birthday Cards

It was my birthday last Thursday (see Blipfoto for 5 December), and I thought that it would be nice to have a photographic record of the ten or so birthday cards that I received from family and friends.

They made an excellent collection, and you might detect a certain theme running through them. In case it is impossible to read the wording, Here is a brief expansion to make sense of the jokes:

Left to Right

Top Row

#4 You are my favourite (the black one)

Second Row

#7 Happy Birthday two ewe

#9 Just ignore him (the flasher)

#10 Viel Gluck am Geburtstag

To prompt my own memory in times to come, this is who sent these cards:

#1 Staysure (travel insurance!!!)

#2 Brenda

#3 Carol & Phil

#4 Brenda

#5 Ann

#6 Alison Vipond and family

#7 Andrew & Beth

#8 Jacqueline & Ken

#9 Ann

#10 John & Brigitte

Thank you, everyone!

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