
By BethAndCo

Stay and play Christmas party & nursery on my own

It was Eva's Christmas party at stay and play this morning, so I dressed her in her new Rudolph dress and grey tights and off we set. She didn't half look a cutie pie.

All the usual little babies were there, so we sat next to Dani and little Sofia, and Jenny arrived with her little Eva and came and sat with us too. One of the activities that was at stay and play was to decorate a cardboard bauble, so I took Eva over and we chose a green one to decorate with a strip of silver paper, some netting, corrugated cardboard, a feather, and other coloured bits of paper and sparkly sprinkles. As fast as I was gluing bits down, Eva was trying to peel them back off again, but we got there and now have a lovely bauble hanging on the tree at home.

Snack time at stay and play today was more party type food, so I went and got Eva a little plate that included some chunks of cheese. I think we can safely say Eva was not enamoured with cheese, as she opened her mouth for me to pop a chunk in, chewed, and her facial expression very quickly changed to one of disgust, as she sat there and spat the entire chewed up lump out into my open hand. Very funny.

Suzanna popped round with Bebe when we got back from stay and play so we could swap Christmas presents. Eva and Bebe played lovely with Eva's drum while Sue and I chatted and had a coffee. It was only a fly in visit really, as Eva needed her nap and Sue had things to do, but it was a lovely 45 minutes. Bebe and Eva love seeing each other, its very clear to see.

I had been dreading this afternoon, it was Eva's first settling in session at nursery on her own. For 1 hour, 3 til 4 pm. I got there and took Eva through to the baby room. Mandy, the room manager took her off me and she was oo-ing and arr-ing at all the toys and decorations hanging from the ceiling, but when I said "bye bye" and waved, her expression changed to a look of panic, and I had to just go and leave her. I was fighting back the tears so hard and managed to hold it together. I knew it was only an hour, but still.... I got back at 4pm and peered through the glass in the door before I walked in to see how she was doing, she was sat crying on Mandy's lap :-( Mandy said she hadn't cried the whole time and that they'd managed to distract her with some toy cars when I left, but you never truly know how she'd been cos I 'spose they tell you she's been fine for your sake, as she has to go to nursery. She's got a 2 hour session on her own on Monday morning, I hope she'll be ok ... Xxx

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