
By CarrieEllenA

You can hardly imagine.

I have great neighbors. People say that, but it is rarely true. My mom had one great neighbor who taught her the ropes when she moved to the country and at 90 checked on the young (50) neighbor girl who had moved in next door. And I've known her to have good neighbors who kept an eye out for trouble. But I have Great neighbors. Plural. The one who took in Eleven(11) wheelbarrows of pine needles off my street saying she could compost them. No one's yard is that big, and she did it while caring for 3 special needs children that she had adopted. Her front yard looks like the world's best Victory garden. Astounding! The next is one who always gives me her empty yard bin over the winter so I can fill hers and mine with the detritus my yard creates. She could stop her yard service but claims it would be too much trouble. 50$ a month for 3 months is worth a bit of trouble. Across the street the neighbors do keep an eye out and offer extra bin space when they have it and loan us their small truck when we ask and roast their own coffee and supply us if I so much as poke my nose out the door on coffee roasting day. And this is not the end of the list. So early on I got my knitting needles out and got busy making a few tokens of appreciation for such perfect neighborliness. Luckily they don't blip so I have these things to show you tonight. More than my yarn bits I wanted to share their wonderfulness. Living here is like Christmas everyday and I love the gifts they give me.

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