Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Safari Day One

I keep thinking I'm dreaming! I'd have to keep pinching myself, were it not for the constant rollicking and rolling and bouncing in the jeep! What fun!

Woke to the sound of a bleating goat. I said to JR, 'That's probably lunch' and it was! There was a huge celebration going on that day, a christening using the grounds of the hotel (owned by the Leader of the Opposition) and Marco said there were ten goats for lunch! We were invited to join them, but had to leave.

Breakfast at 7am, to the accompaniment of bird song and water rippling loud samba muzak. Set off at the appointed time of 8am to rendezvous with our pal Maree at 9am. This did not go to plan, and even Maree, who has lived here for several years was getting worried about our non arrival one and a half hours later...

Marco kept getting phone calls, which we found out afterwards were telling him to drive slowly (he can't) as the packed lunches were not ready.

We met the boss chap at the very flash Mount Meru Hotel- all marble and dripping with money, complete with Slade blasting out 'Merry Christmas' over the sound system!!! How to spoil an atmosphere...

Anyway the boss, Adam, apologised profusely. The person who was supposed to supply our lunch boxes went on holiday and left it to 'an incompetent' and he'd spent all morning ringing around to find someone to supply them. But he now had someone, and they would be ready in ten minutes.

Just as well we insisted on going on to meet Maree at the pre-arranged meeting place - because that ten minutes turned into an hour. Still, it gave us an unexpected catch up with our pal, and she and Marco arranged where and when we'd meet at the end of the tour. I like being looked after.

The lunch, btw, was splendid. A huge box with a chicken drumstick, sandwich with lovely thick bread, banana, slice of fresh pineapple, an apple, yoghurt, chocolate cake, muffin, crackers, cheese, fruit drink, water, and a wee bar of chocolate. Oh, and a hard boiled egg.

It being Sunday, there were hundreds of people walking to, and then from, church in all their finery. What beautiful clothes the women wore. I would have loved to have taken photos!

Then it was through the Tarangire National Park. We saw elephants. Many of them. Really close. We saw deer (impala?) warthogs, lions crossing the river away in the distance, a lone giraffe, and some splendid wee kingfisher-like birds with glorious colours. Marco told us the name, of course, but I'll check it in the book tomorrow.

It's SO good being on a private tour, because I can suddenly shout,
'OOoh! Marco! STOP! I saw a lovely wee bird! Back up. No, a bit more.'

I don't think I'd be able to do that with a group. And some of the jeeps we passed looked pretty full and uncomfortable. We can climb on the seats (to look out of the open roof), sit where we like, stop when we want. Private tours are definitely the best.

We're now at our lodge for the night, and what a splendid one it is. Absolute luxury. Warm hand towels and cool watermelon juice on arrival. I'm sitting on the balcony with my Kilimanjaro beer (Marco's good idea to buy our own supply in town) looking out on the glorious gardens and swimming pool.

I had my predictable blip of an elephant sorted. This one had just been for a lovely mud bath in the river. The rains have gone on a bit longer than usual, so still plenty of grass and water holes. I wanted a shot of the beautiful wee bird (much harder) when lo and behold, a wedding party came into the grounds for photos.

So of course I hot-footed it across to them and joined the man videoing it and another man snapping. The happy couple walked round the pool. They sauntered under the trees. They sat on the grass.

Then they sat at the picnic tables. They had the wedding group photos at the seats. The bride was looking a bit bored by this time.

The bride and groom were seated far apart. So I suggested to them that they sit a bit nearer each other, preferably the same seat. And they did, and they giggled and looked like a happy couple! (Maybe I should take up wedding photography...). I may have to choose that as my blip. I loved the silver suits of the men, and orange shirts. We're blown away by the beautiful coloured clothes.

Just had the most fabulous dinner (NO muzak) coffee in the foyer and use the wifi. Then flop into bed.

Day One was terrific!

Wifi dodgy...

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