Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


We made it! Though not without incident, of course...

We left early to drive through to Glasgow- just as well, as we heard tales of flooded motorways and cars broken down later in the afternoon. As it was, we just had a minor drama in the dark, in the storm, going round in circles looking for APH parking. There is no such place - it's just the booking firm. Of course, if we'd had the sat nav... (another thing we can't find).

As we arrived in Nairobi we thought the chap in the row behind had died. He was slumped forward and didn't move, even though all the stewardesses were trying to get him to sit up and put his tray table away to land. But he was breathing, just completely zonked out.

At the same time, the kid in the same row threw up blue vomit! He'd eaten a whole packet of blue 'lollies' (they were Aussies). I'd been chatting to the mum about their PRIVATE safari tour. Way to go!

Got to Kilimanjaro airport about 6. I had hoped to have a lovely photo of our first view of the mountain for today's blip. But we were on the wrong side of the plane! But it did look lovely, in the sun, above the clouds.

Nairobi airport was quite chaotic confusing. We followed the 'transit' signs along deserted corridors, vaguely wondering why nobody else was transitting, turned the corner and came to an EXIT. This can't be right.

Walked all the way back. Eventually saw a man, who was striding straight towards us, brandishing a piece of paper. When we confirmed who we were and saw we were on his list he said, 'Didn't you see me at the bus?' Well, no.

At Kilimanjaro airport, Marco was waiting for us. Poor man, by the time we'd filled in the visa form, had fingerprints of both hands taken, and photos, it must have been about an hour!

He drove us to our hotel, which was another hour away. In the dark. Boy! They drive fast here. And don't bother dipping headlights! One truck was heading towards us, headlights on full, on our side of the road, overtaking another vehicle. It had just passed us when there was a screeching of brakes, whump of metal on metal, and shattering glass... I do hope nobody was hurt.

Had dinner at out hotel. Lovely outdoor dining, the sound of the cicadas drowned out by the samba muzak. I was speechless.

No time for photos, so this is a desperate one of our driver, the lovely Marco. Had to use a flash.

Did I mention it's turned out to be a PRIVATE tour? We're the only ones on it!

Way to go!

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