Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

The lonely life...

... of a wedding photographer.

Oh I know the feeling well. It's the end of a loooong wedding season, you've been on the go since early this morning, the weather has been bad, the light has been non-existent, you're waiting for the frantic call for the utterly soul-destroying Cake Cutting Shot (inexplicably the most important moment of any Northern Irish wedding). You've been sitting doing nothing for two hours, with another couple still to go before the next piece of real action, the first dance. You try to put on an energetic smile for any guests who happen to walk past, but they must sense your exhaustion, because every one will comment "it's a long day for you!".

Yesterday this was me, today it's Colin's turn. He's shooting a wedding at a hotel just about 15 minutes from my house, so I thought I'd call in and keep him company over dinner. Not long to go now chum, Christmas is almost here! :)

Best job ever.

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