I've been waiting to see a cardinal, within camera range, for ages! For years I didn't see a one near our house. Last spring a couple graced us with their presence a few times (but never long enough for a shot) and this winter this beautiful man has been popping in ever so briefly (but usually at a distance). It's not the best quality image, but you could go large I suppose. I had other shots that I liked better, but how could I not post the bird I've been waiting on for such a long time?
It SNOWED today and didn't quit. For some reason, heavy snow brings out the birds. If it weren't for the low light of the overcast sky, it would have been a bird photogs dream. Well, other than the bitter temperatures... (Tonight it will go down to 7(F) degrees (-14C) and only up to 14(F)degrees (-10C) tomorrow.) I hope all the birds find a warm spot to sleep tonight.
My favorite shot of the day was of, none other than, the rare bluejay... (Yes, I posted another one on Flickr, but it's definitely my best so far. And it shows off the heavy snow coming down.) I also liked an image of a female pileated. She's facing me, and that angle made her look a bit like a duck! (She looks nothing like a duck in real life.) Oh, and one more cardinal shot. I had a hard time deciding between the one I posted here and this one I relegated to Flickr.
Now, if I could just have a day of snow, tons of birds, lots of light, warmer temps and maybe a spot where I wouldn't get wet... that would be an ideal bird photo day! Asking too much??
- 6
- 1
- Nikon D600
- f/5.6
- 420mm
- 2000
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