wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

A year of hearts

I made gingerbread hearts tonight. I will glaze them with lemon glaze tomorrow.
As I looked at the dough it made me think of all the hearts we carry with us.
Some are attached some completely free yet still with us.
Some are missing now but have left their imprint.

I rolled the dough out on my Nana's bread board. My grandfather made it for her. I always roll dough on it. The rolling pin was my Mom's. The ball bearings are gone but I still use it. I have tried others. They don't feel right.

I have been here for about 80 some days. (I will hit 100 on January 1st.) It seems as though there was a lot of losses this year with my new friends. I thought of them too.

As I cut the hearts out and laid them on the parchment, I noticed how they ended up different in size and shapes.
So I decided to lift the self reflection.
I experimented with gingerbread men. They look like acrobats or contortionists. Some are in obscene poses.

It made me realize that all the hearts I know or have known have helped me hone my wacky sense of humor.

I am so blessed to have hearts in my life. I guess it's up to me to take what I have learned from them and pass it on.

I however will not use the gingerbread men as inspiration.......

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