not right

8:30am and making the bed.

Except this one wasn't slept in.

The wee-estWeir made his overnight Children's Ward debut last night so the weeWeir and I held the fort at home.

A full day of *stuff*, getting final food supplies for the next week, delivering food, clothing and comfort to the other half of our family, visiting my Grandad on his 89th birthday, home to reheat previously-made Lasagne and take it to the hospital to eat with Mrs theWeir and then home again to get the weeWeir to stop singing and sleep.

Life is never dull.

But I am very grateful for family and friends who bless us with so much.

And pray in faith for grace and peace for my weeWeirs and beautiful Mrs theWeir. Caleb's cot is ready and waiting for him to be home.

Through it all, we are not alone, and that's a very encouraging thought.

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