But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Mowbray Fields.

We went rushing round doing last minute things today, fetching the wrong prescriptions, buying airbeds to replace those left behind in Mbra and refuelling the car.
After that we had a walk, nothing too strenuous, along a Sustrans route to a normally quiet pub for a bite of lunch, I had a hot soup while Sis and her husband had cold soup. It took about ten minutes for the staff to give the cold ones a thirty second blast in a microwave even though they weren't that busy.
After that we had a walk back, nothing too strenuous, making a diversion through East Hagbourne to The Millennium Wood (I wonder how many of them there are), then to Mowbray Fields and, finally, home. Where we strayed from the path, the going was a bit boggy from yesterday's rain but, as you can see, the weather was ideal.
Finally, we rushed back to the chemists to fetch the correct medicines. 'Elf 'n' safety being what it is, the unused drugs will be incinerated.

Mowbray Fields is a local site that was rescued from housing development; the project incorporates a group of ponds, a stream, a wild flower meadow and a woodland area. The whole lot, including the pond, have had brushwood and log piles put down for wildlife refuges and the fence in the foreground is to protect a small patch of orchids - both the common spotted and the southern marsh. There was nothing much to see other than that it is a "work in progress," but it's very pleasant and I'd love to come back in the summer and see it when it is in bloom.

I’ve just posted Saturday’s blip, “Which One D'you Fancy?.”

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