Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Nearly done!

I hope everyone has had a pleasant Christmas, and if not has managed ok today. I got some lovely presents, a bemusing highlight being the Lynx for females spray named "attract" and my mum saying "maybe it'll help you attract nice blokes and not the numpties you usually do" so thanks for that mother. My dad made me a wee Mount Fuji thingy with a bit of the rock I brought him back from it and my photo from the top. And I got a juicer, bag of oranges and four apples. I'll make some juice later. I'm heading home soon because I'm terribly sleepy. I almost fell asleep in the bowling club last night, and snuck off for a nap at about five and woke up thinking it was boxing day.

Now Betty is quizzing me about why I haven't found a boyfriend/husband yet. Because no one can meet my high standards!

All done for another year :-) be glad to get into bed tonight.

Ooh- and this is a candle holder my dad decorated. He is very talented.

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