
By ASmileADay

Balintore Beach

Without even really knowing its Christmas Jacob woke up extra early this morning. He loved sitting in bed taking presents out of his stocking, playing for a few minutes then shouting "more"!
Breakfast, the snowman, and a few presents were enjoyed before heading to Balintore beach. It was so windy I thought Jacob might blow away, and we couldn't see due to horizontal sleet, but we persevered and had a wonderful time. Jacobs new word of the day was "bea" for beach. He didn't stop running till we got to the sea, and the giggles he let out running from the waves were wonderful. A Christmas highlight.
We were ready to light the fire and start cooking when we got home. Nial and Jacob watched the snowman ("Noh") while Stephan and i were busy in the kitchen. Lunch was great, although we have tonnes of food left, and then it was present time. Jacob still has more presents to open tomorrow!
More food, watching the Snowman and Father Christmas, and snuggling up together on a big chair before Jacobs bath and bed was the perfect end. He fell asleep listing his day - "choo choo", "pat", "taxi", "tractor", "bea", "mummy", "daddy".
Now time for more food and Downton Abbey.

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