Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone, hope you've all had a great day. Today wasn't just Christmas Day in our house, it was also Ian's 50th birthday.

The celebrations started early and we had a lovely day, just Mum, Ian and I. Mum surprised Ian with a trip away to drive a Jaguar XJS convertible. They left at 5 to drive to the hotel. I'm staying home to look after Misty and Wesley. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it ;)

Watched Dr Who tonight and I have to say I was disappointed by the regeneration. After Tennant's last one, I was expecting great things. Ah well, I've already ordered the 50th anniversary episode - I'll just watch that over and over again - that makes me happy!

This is my Mum's homemade Christmas cake in front of the tree.

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