It's Not All Commercial

Although Joshua was up at 06:00 to check out his stocking he didn't wake Clare and I up until 09:30.
Downstairs for a leisurely breakfast we then got ready for the day.
First the microwave broke, warming some butter to baste the turkey the inside of the microwave chamber had more colourful lights and sparks than an ELO concert!!
After that all went well, our guests, Yvonne and Ron arrived and after a pre lunch drink we ate around 1:30.
For me the meal was the highlight of the day, it went on for so long and was so much fun that Samantha and Joshua forgot that the 'Gift Giving' doesn't take place until after lunch.
We all got lots of lovely things, ate more, drank a lot more, chatted and enjoyed the day and each other's company.
Now, towards the end of the day I am in a pair of my new leisure trousers and 'T' shirt enjoying a filter coffee with a piece of Christmas cake.
Looking back over the day I find it has gone quickly but that I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

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