Diver Driver

By diverdriver

Self indulgence

Not only a 'selfie' but the indulgence of nice warm ears and fingers on the walk across the fields with the dogs this morning.

The new hat, courtesy of my lovely lady - Mrs DD, but she gets cross that I refer to other blippers as lovely ladies and not her - and the new gloves, which can be worn whilst fiddling with iPhone, iPad etc, courtesy of my lovely sis-in-law, JF.

And if you could see my feet, you would know I was wearing my new wellies - Mrs DD again - which have been well and truly christened not only due to the levels of standing water on the fields but to the fact that our kind neighbour started slurry spreading on Christmas eve.


The only thing which would complete the package and make me a truly trendy dog-walker - Mrs DD again - would be to ditch the 25 year-old Milk Marketing Board coat in favour of a newer variety.

That aint going to happen as there is plenty of life left in it yet!

She'll be getting me to wear my jeans half way down my bum next! NOT.

Almost went to the sales this morning following an early coffee. Thought about if for all of...................a nano second.

Have a good day.

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